Friday, May 20, 2016

Tech Chapter 5 Blog Post

1.  The Arab Spring has been called the bloggers revolution.  What role did social media play in this revolution?
2.  Lindsey Stone was fired over a picture she posted on her Facebook page.  Is it fair for 30,000 individuals, most of them probably strangers, to have the power to determine the course of an individual's life and livelihood based on one poor choice made on a social networking site?
 3.  Your online reputation can make or break you.  In fact, college admissions officers and prospective employers look at your digital presence.  Do you monitor your digital presence?  Can you get rid of your digital footprint?  Research and provide tips for managing your online reputation.

1.) The role that social media played in the Arab Springs revolution is that it played a key-role in advancing the events because of the rate at which communications were passed on (
2.) It isn't rather lack of common sense since the majority of photos can be publicly shown and if there's a sign of hand gestures, mannerisms or verbal language that exhibits disrespect, the person is accountable for their actions and the consequences that come with it (
3. Yes and No, I monitor my digital presence sometimes because evidence that pertains to you can be used against used you and terminate the opportunity of getting future employment by a top-tier company, but I'm not paranoid cause I don't really post that much on social media.

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